landmarking the truce
"The Olympic Truce," by Rosa Serra (bronze & marble, 2001), UN headquarters, New York
Dedication ceremony hosted by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, May 2001
The Olympic Truce in Statuary
The Foundation landmarks the Truce’s primary message through gifts of monuments.
Two pieces were commissioned and created by Rosa Serra (Spain),
renowned artist & Official Sculptor of the International Olympic Committee
"THe Olympic Truce"
The dedication of this landmark statue was made by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, in the company of International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, American sports philanthropist Irwin Belk and other dignitaries. On the occasion of an International Olympic Truce Foundation meeting at the UN in May of 2001.
Several months later, the monument was sent on to Lausanne, Switzerland,for permanent exhibit in the International Olympic Committee Headquarters' Sculpture Gardens.
"Olympic Truce - USA," by Rosa Serra (bronze & marble, 2006)
"Olympic Truce"
The Foundation gifted a second monument, to the US Olympic Training Center and Headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on 23 June 2006, Olympic Day.
It's permanently landmarked in the center of the campus, as a focal point of the Olympic Movement. This is a photo made with foreign athletes training and competing at the Center.